Top Heroku Alternatives for free

Top Heroku Alternatives for free

Recently Heroku will shutdown free Heroku Dynos, free Heroku Postgres, and free Heroku Data for Redis after November 28th, 2022.

So, after some research on some of free alternatives provider I have gone through them all and see if it is free then I have included in my list that I am providing you 😎⭐😀.

  1.Netlify - Host serverless apps

Netlify - link

You can try this one if you use serverless backend as you can make api with it.

For Reference:-
fullstack on netlify

  2.Cloudflare - Best for Static Site.


Pair (unlimited hosting 100% free, no underlying conditions), with (very generous free plan for serverless functions), and all the other cool stuff (R2, Durable Objects, KV, etc.), and it's a powerhouse!

Cloudflare references blog

  3.Cyclic - Deploy full stack Node JS apps in seconds.

If you are MERN Stack developer then this is best for you.

It provides many things such as

  • For Frontend:- React, Next, Vue, Svelte.
  • For Backend:- Express, Node JS.
  • DataBase.
  • Even Bots :- Slack Bot.

If you sign up using my link you will get $10 free credit.

  4.Deta – The Cloud for Developers

Get your Python & Node.js apps / APIs on the internet in seconds.

Deta is free for ever.

  5. Firebase - Fast and secure web hosting

Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure hosting for your web app, static and dynamic content, and microservices.

  6. Railway - Made for any language.

It also provide many language supports such Node Js, Django, Laravel, Kotlin spring, ruby and more....

According to me, you must try this. This is perfect for us as it will provide predefined template for all languages.

If you sign up using my link you will get $10 free credit.

  7. Render - The fastest

way to host all your web apps.

It provides also

  • DataBase:-Redis, Postgres.

Here is the list of features


Open source Software delivery workflow for kubernetes.

  9.Fly - Run your full stack apps all over the world.

Every app will works on this.

Build with your favorite framework, ship on If you can build it into a Dockerfile, we can run it.

  10.Fathym - Develop and deploy micro frontends in a headless, open world.

I would highly recommend this if you want to build Micro Frontend App then must try at once.

  11. Back4app - Low-code backend to build modern apps

From databases to blockchain storage, we’ve got your backend covered

  12.Dom Cloud - Classic Web Hosting Made Easy

A hosting service that serves all.

This is experimental as I have not tried before. Let me know if you are going to use.

  13.Adaptable - The easiest way to deploy your FullStack App

Just connect your GitHub repository and let Adaptable handle the rest.


Production-ready infrastructure and application templates to build solutions on AWS without ever opening the console.

  15.Coherence - The First Developer Experience Platform

Get dev environments, full-stack branch previews, and deployments in one cohesive development experience — running in your cloud.

If you are college student, then you will access Microsoft Azure Services.
So,you can host your backend app such as Node JS, Django, PHP.


These are my list that, up till now, I have found and share with you so that you can use it for free and make you website live ⭐.

