Perhaps seeking to reinforce the points she made at her resignation press conference Friday, Sarah Palin has had some interesting things to say on Twitter today (see her feed here):
He was previously an associate editor at and a reporter for .
At her press conference, Palin cited baseless attacks (and the time it takes to defend against them), as well as federal stimulus money, as reasons for stepping down.
Hope they get enough traction to further improve it, as functionality is limited right now, but we also learned from Twitter that limitations can be benifitial.
I think I got carried away a bit with the many perspective changes.
La vida en línea: cómo darle alas a nuestro Twitter
First, because if Jerry's there at all, it's to goof around and not negotiate any deals.
Anyway, the odds of a similar disaster this year are much smaller.
This was in the heat of the Microsoft-Yahoo-Google deal drama , after Yahoo and Google announced their search deal
The mobile version of Twitter comes out for a lot of devices with many different technologies : J2ME, WAP, Flash Lite, XHTML-MP, Windows Mobile, via SMS.
A special mention goes to FlashLite Twitter - the Adobe FlashLite 2.1 based version.
FlashLite Twitter - a Adobe FlashLite 2.1 based app to update twitter status.
As Tim Sears nicely points out on his blog : Twitter has no business model and has survived on venture capital funding only since their inception in 2006.
On the lastest episode (151) of the Cranky Geeks podcast , John C. Dvorak also remarks on this and says that he thinks that at some point Twitter will probably charge you for using the API, which would mean that users would have to pay for every tweet they send through Twitter desktop clients (like Twhirl and TweetDeck ) and mobile clients (like TwitterBerry and PocketTweets ).
According to this recent news item, Twitter has yet again managed to secure another S20 million.
Is Twitter, een site waar je continu bijhoudt wat je aan het doen bent, een hype of een blijvertje? Wij weten het ook nog niet, maar leuk is wel dat zo'n simpele site als Twitter allerlei creatieve uitbreidingen heeft gekregen doordat er programmaatjes, plug-ins en andere sites rond zijn gemaakt.
Brian Stelter, CNN's media reporter, claimed Monday that he had no knowledge of the recently unveiled evidence showing that the "primary sub-source" for Christopher Steele's infamous dossier was suspected by the FBI of being a "threat to national security" for suspected ties to Russian ...
Columbia University and Japan's Hiroshima University researches found that a UVC light wave of 222 nanometers works.
Trump called on the U.S. attorney in Minnesota to investigate claims made by Project Veritas, an investigative reporting project led by conservative ...
Efforts to browbeat conservative justices into recusing themselves from any important Supreme Court case are standard fare from liberals and progressives these days (a tactic Donald Trump has aped by demanding that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg recuse themselves over criticisms of him, in Sotomayor's case in ...
Many decades later, a major point of contention in the debate over health insurance reform is the so-called public option, a government-run program that would compete with private insurers.
Public plants, Roosevelt said, could bring power to those who needed it and serve as a yardstick for measuring and keeping in check the prices charged by private power companies.
When he ran for president in 1932, Roosevelt made public power a cornerstone of his campaign.
He was outraged by the high prices that monopolistic utility companies were charging and by their refusal to bring electricity to rural parts of the state, which, they said, could not be done economically.
As for cost, opponents of the public option may fear it would work too well that to compete, private insurers would have to keep their prices down and the quality of their services up.
Just yesterday, John Piper posted a tweet about Terry Virgo's sermon on prayer. This sermon had been available online for a couple of weeks and had been
I am just now getting into twitter. I know,I know, about time! Anyways, I spotted this and felt that some of you would be happy to see this list of 10...
Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time
" Twitchy has compiled several tweeted reactions to Google's marking of the birth of left-wing labor leader Cesar Chavez on Easter Sunday.
On March 21, 2013, in Washington, D.C., Senator Marco Rubio addressed tech policy attendees at the Free State Foundation's annual Spring tech policy conference.
This week, a little birdie told us that Twitter really got kicked into high gear in 2008, when then U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down House coverage on C-Span and turned out the lights in the House chamber.
Vergrößern Twitter per SMS -
Mit dem Handy Twittern
Nur User in den USA, England, Kanada und Neuseeland können Einträge auch auf dem Handy empfangen.
van je laatste bezigheden sturen en van je vrienden krijgen en de openbare Twitter-discussie volgen.
Daarnaast heb je met Twitteresce de mogelijkheid om deze tool op de achtergrond aan te laten staan.
Als je Jtwitter wilt downloaden moet je naar gaan waarna de browser en de applicatie zich automatisch zullen installeren.
Naast het posten van nieuwe twits, kan je ook hier de kiezen om of de berichten van je vrienden of de openbare boodschappen chronologisch te bekijken.
WHERE heeft veel applicatie voor je mobiel, dus ook één voor Twitter.
Las novedades de esta versión es que puedes chequear tu lista de contactos, los mensajes directos que recibes y una pantalla para enviar tus mensajes directos.
People who know me know that besides faith and family, nothing's more important to me than our beloved Alaska, said Governor Palin.
Serving her people is the greatest honor I could imagine. Standing outside her home in Wasilla, Alaska, Governor Palin reflected upon some of the administrations accomplishments for Alaska as she approaches her final year in office.
"I know when it's time to pass the ball for victory," soon-to-be-former Governor Sarah Palin says at a press conference with her family, standing before a picturesque river and seaplane.
Governor Sarah Palin announced today that she will not seek a second term as Governor of the State of Alaska and will relegate the power of governor to Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell in order to serve Alaskas best interests.
5/15から5/21までの7日間の、7,287ユーザ、2,048,859ポストの集計です。 1週間分とれたので、これで終わりにしたいと思います。今回は使用率をつけました。 再度おことわりですが、クライアント別のポストの集計です。 ユニークユーザの集計ではありません。 集計はパブリックタイムラインと日本人ユーザデータベースから、日本語のポストをランダムに集めています。集計時間が長いので偏りは極小のはずです。 client count(*) percent xtwitter 1 0.0000 Beak 1 0.0000 BuddyMob 1 0.0000 Filttr 1 0.0000 Twitt…
Salı ve çarşamba günü gönderilen tweetler tüm tweetlerin yaklaşık %32'si.
En düşük Tweet gönderilen günler ise tatil yapılan Cumartesi ve Pazar günleri.
Twitter'in en çok kullanıldığı gün araştırmaya göre Salı ve Çarşamba.
başlayan Tweet sayısı gece 20.00-23.00 arası küçük bir artış gösteriyor ve Tweetler sabaha yaklaştıkça etkisini yitiriyor.
Blackberryで動作するTwitterクライアントはいくつかあるのですが、ほとんどがなぜか通信エラーを出して動作せず。 いくつかためしてやっとTwitterBerryだけ動作いたしました~ Tw...クライアント.html
der Weltraumbehörde NASA, über die Vorbereitungen auf seinen Weltraumtrip.
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de Raad van Europa voor een gezamenlijke persconferentie door Van Rompuy, De Gucht en De Crem.
Langs de weg van de luchthaven richting media-center valt vooral de leegte op.
Anders Rasmussen de nieuwe secretaris-generaal van de Navo wordt.
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So, here's poor Newt trying to make a pun that he thinks is funnier than teabagging that references Monica Lewinsky and his own predilections.
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Tweetmeme Button ' A button that allows your content to get retweeted.
Twitterfeed ' This automatically publishes updates from any RSS feed to your Twitter account.
Wickett Twitter Widget ' Displays tweets from a Twitter account in the sidebar of your blog.
Media research and insights on cable, satellite, broadcast, telecommunications, TV, engagement, analytics
He said something about 6 months ago that Abu Dhabi was one of the venues that Lorenzo would be persuing.
He's co-promoting with UFC Iran, hence why they can't co-promote with M-1.
um die Facebook Kommentare zu nutzen.
Twittelator | Twinkle Mobile (Windows Mobile)
TwitToday Mobile (Palm) TreoTwit Mobile (Java) jTwitter |
It’s the free way to find all the things you care about nearby â€â€Å" instead of tapping, tapping, tapping in a search box.
Features include: Full featured mapping program Business directory Get information on business and tourist spots
What started as a regular Google Maps viewer for the Blackberry has now turned into a full fledge City Guide, with the ability to locate businesses and tourists spots.
Superpages Mobile Features include: Get Movie Info Fast – Search by movie, theater or genre.
Have to make do with this about 17 hours ago from web
Fake Blood and High Contrast mixes still havent been re-instated on Youtube, i'm still raging.
For The Weekend due to a copyright claim from Sony Music (his own music label and management).
Youtube just removed MY Fake Blood and High Contrast remixes of Ready
iTweet2 – A mobile Twitter site designed for the iPhone.
Blackbird – Twitter client for BlackBerry smartphones.
jTwitter – Allows you to enter twitter updates using your phone without having to send SMS.
TwitterBerry – A good twitter client for BlackBerry.
Abiro Jitter – Its a easy-to-use and fully-featured (Java Twitter) Twitter client for mobile phones.
Quakk – Its a very attractive Windows Mobile Twitter application.
PockeTwit – Awesome twitter client for the Windows Mobile platform
Twitter2Go – WAP or XHTML-MP interface that works on Palm, Pocket PC, BlackBerry, and almost any other mobile phone or PDA device.
Twitteresce – Access your twitter feed using your Java J2ME enabled mobile phone.
TwitToday -Its a free Windows Mobile 5+ Pocket PC/Professional Twitter widget for posting twitter updates from the Today screen.
Twitter Answers – Enables you to Tweet answers and get responses. Like Yahoo Answers for Twitter.
Jargong – Allows you to update and receive tweets, support Nokia and Sony Ericsson.
Twitter Mobile – The mobile version of Twitter
PocketTweets – Another twitter client for iPhone and/or iPod Touches.
TwitterFone – Update Twitter from your mobile phones.
Jibjib – Twitter client for any Java-enabled mobile phone.
Twitsay – Get voice mail messages from your Twitter page.
Twittelator – Lets you take Twitter with you on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
MoTwit – Update Twitter from your Palm OS smartphone or Palm OS PDA or Treo.
MobileTwitterrific – iPhone application for using Twitter.
GetMobio – Twitter client for Windows Mobile, Blackberry or Java-enabled phones
WidSets – Update your friends over the mobile without having to send an SMS.
Twidroid – Its a full-featured twitter client for android mobile phones.
Twobile – Its a Twitter client for users of Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
GPS Twit – Its an application for iPhone and Windows Mobile.
Tiny Twitter – Its a java enabled device (includes the CrackBerry) and Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone.
Twitterpation – An iPhone application that lets you record mixed voice-and-text Tweets.
Fring – Another twitter client for iPhone and/or iPod Touches.
PocketTweetsWeb-based Twitter client for the Apple iPhone.
Twobile – Its a new Twitter client for users of Windows Mobile Pocket.
Hahlo – Its a twitter client designed specifically for iPhone and/or iPod Touches.
ceTwit – Twitter client for Windows Mobile.
Mobypicture – Its a service to post to your Tweets through your mobile phone.
ThinCloud – Twitter for iPhone you’ll need an iPhone.
Twibble – Its a Twitter client application for the Nokia N95.
TwitterBerry is mobile client for following your Twitter feeds.
This is just one of many tools, so do a Goggle search for other possibilities.
Try it out with our feed , then add some of the additional feeds we've noted below to create a powerful information tool.
There are serious cultural barriers to adopting social media, and in general, customer feedback ( find a link to a white paper here ).
- Interest - Discuss that there may be a problem with customer interaction and that the company may need to research its stakeholders
Giving stakeholders a voice in that process via phones, email, mail, participation and yes, social media has been the antithesis of many corporate cultures for decades.
He writes about the intersection of advertising, marketing and PR at The Social Media Marketing Blog and also writes The Baker Street Blog , a literary undertaking.
Organizations struggle with corporate barriers to moving towards their customers.
[ relations.html]( relations.html)
I'm pretty confident that teams and teachers are going to use any tool that they find to be valuable, whether it has been tested or not.
Twitter'in en çok kullanıldığı gün araştırmaya göre Salı ve Çarşamba.
En düşük Tweet gönderilen günler ise tatil yapılan Cumartesi ve Pazar günleri.
Twitter'ın kimler tarafından nasıl kullanıldığına dair istatistiklerden sonra bu kez aynı araştırmada öne
Salı ve çarşamba günü gönderilen tweetler tüm tweetlerin yaklaşık %32'si.
FeedBurner – The most widely used tool for measuring stats on RSS feeds for blogs and podcasts, LinkedIn – This is where you can start and created your profile as well as your company profile.
Success Stories – A list of success stories on the LinkedIn blog that will spark ideas on how you could best leverage this platform for your business.
Tumblr – Blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, video, links, quotes, and audio.
Alexa – Provides widely-reported and widely-criticized statistics on relative popularity of web sites, based on usage of those that have installed the Alexa Toolbar.
Blogger – Blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world.
Politicians should fear us.
I'm thinking that it's time to exercise a "with us or against us" strategy...
Very simple configuration; Just put in your Twitter username in the module and the amount of updates you want the module to show.
Basically fill in Twitter username and amount of tweets to show.
A very effective Twitter module that shows the latest user Tweets in your website.
Twitter for WordPress displays yours latest tweets in your WordPress blog.
Slandr Slandr delivers an enhanced mobile website for Twitter.
Ecco qui sotto una lista degli italiani della community UGIdotNET
Twitgit показывает сообщения друзей и постит ваши собственные прямо в Dashboard.
TweetAhead простой виджет для Dashboard, который позволяет делать отложенные посты в Твиттер.
TwitDir позволяет искать по имени пользователя, месторасположению или имени пользователя.
This seems to be the underlying question to be asked in Berman's new show.
We would like to imagine that, in the course of human endeavors, the awaking of self-disgust is a rarity.
It begs from us the question of what, indeed, would we do if we woke up, entirely the same in our head, but being completely unlike ourselves.
@MCHammer night night hammer...
@MCHammer thanks..will chek it out!
earwood @mchammer welcome back!
arikhanson Just got asked to stop tweeting poolside at swimming lessons.
an even bigger opportunity cost from a reputation management standpoint.
o Updates – social networking sites allow you to easily update all those that are interested in learning more about you.
So, quite ironically, I was able to get this projector for my social networking luncheon talk, through social networking!
She is the founder/director of Kai Kweol, a local dance and music company that promotes the understanding of Caribbean culture and the performing arts to help bridge the gap among people of different backgrounds.
o Twitter – instant updates, many mobile apps for on the go info
metsfan @donkeypuncher told you.
metsfan @donkeypuncher that would be awesome, but i'm about to start watching, so there's no way…
@donkeypuncher @metsfan @maigrey
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