

What is the Windows Insiders Hour Of Code?

The Windows Insiders are the largest community of people using technology to create a lasting impact in the world. We believe that one of the first steps is to empower even more people to get comfortable with technology. This is why we strongly believe in the concentrated global effort called Hour of Code.

Tech literacy is the next great superpower and we don’t want our community of Windows Insiders to be left behind. Tech is such an equalizer. Because it is a relativity new industry, tech does not care where you come from or what your background is. If you can create with technology, you are an equal.

Never did this become so obvious to me as last December when I kicked off Hour of Code for Microsoft at NASDAQ in NYC. In the audience were students from all of the inner-city New York area schools—learning this next great superpower in an effort to eradicate inequality. It was a powerful moment that made me realize how much more we can do as a community.

We know that often it’s hard to start something new given our busy lives, but sometimes, it’s easier when we all commit to starting together and holding each other accountable.

Microsoft has again partnered with to support the vision to bring Computer Science to every classroom…but it’s not enough to only empower the young people. We must build this muscle in all of us!

Because the Windows Insiders are curious, passionate learners, I challenge our community to complete a global Hour of Code effort between now and end of December.

  1. Complete the Minecraft Hour of Code project. This is a very fun and easy tutorial to get familiar with code
  2. Email Us a pic of you with a screenshot of the finished project
  3. Host (or join!) an Hour of Code event. They are happening globally!
  4. Tweet @donasarkar a picture of the event with the #HourOfCode hashtag.

Over the next month, I will be compiling a montage of these photos. The first group of people to complete this will be featured in the upcoming Windows blogs.

This is the very first step to empowering the world with tech literacy. Let’s do this together—and stay tuned for step 2!

Happy coding team!

Love, Dona & the Windows Insider Team <3
